Welcome to the Luke Bible Study Journal!
We’re so glad you’ve chosen to dive deeper into the Gospel of Luke with us. This journal is designed to help you engage with God’s Word in a meaningful and personal way. Over the next few months, we’ll journey through Luke’s Gospel, discovering the life, teachings, and mission of Jesus, as shared through the eyes of an eyewitness account.
Here’s how it works: Each Sunday, we’ll explore a passage from Luke during the sermon. Then, throughout the week, this journal will guide you in daily devotionals (Monday through Friday) to reflect on and apply what we’ve studied together. Each day will offer Scripture, prompts for reflection, and space to record your thoughts and prayers.
This journal is more than just a tool—it’s an invitation. An invitation to slow down, listen to God’s voice, and allow His Word to transform your heart. As we engage with Luke’s Gospel, we’ll see how Jesus' message of hope, love, and salvation speaks not only to the world but directly to each of us.
Take your time with this study. Pray over what you read, journal what’s on your heart, and consider how God is calling you to respond. Whether you’re new to the Bible or have been studying it for years, this journal is for you.
We’re excited to see how God will work through this study in your life. Let’s journey together to grow deeper in faith and closer to Jesus.
Let’s begin!
Read Luke 5:1-11
And when he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” 5 And Simon answered, “Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word, I will let down the nets.” – Luke 5:4-5
I am sure there was so much going through Simon Peter’s mind when Jesus, the carpenter, starts telling him, the fisherman, where to go and when to put down his nets for a catch. Yet he does what He asks. The invitation from Jesus was to go into the deep. But, when Jesus asked Simon Peter to go into the deep, He was in the boat with Him. I love this about Jesus! He never asks us to do anything alone. He is always with us!
Have you ever experienced a “deep place” with Jesus? If so, write about it. If not, consider writing a prayer and asking Jesus to take you deeper with Him.
Today, spend your time in prayer thanking Jesus for always being present with you wherever you go. Ask Him to help you see Him more clearly, making you aware of His presence in “the boat” of life with you!
Read Luke 5:12-16
But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray. – Luke 5:16
The word “places” in Luke 5:16 is plural, meaning this was not a one time event. After ministering, Jesus would get alone to be in prayer with His Father. Our Savior knew the value of working from a place of overflow. Jesus knew He needed times of refreshment alone with His Father. If Jesus neede this times of silence, solitude, and prayer how much more do we need it?
Do you spend time alone with God? If so, what does that look like for you. If not, consider writing down how you might begin to practice this in your own life.
Today, step away from the noise of life and be alone with God. Try to remove all distractions and noise, and just talk to and listen to The Father. If its hard to sit in silence, consider writing down your prayer or any thought that come to mind as you sit quietly focusing on The Lord.
Read Luke 5:17-26
When Jesus perceived their thoughts, he answered them, “Why do you question in your hearts? Which is easier, to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven you,’ or to say, ‘Rise and walk’? But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins”—he said to the man who was paralyzed—“I say to you, rise, pick up your bed and go home.” – Luke 5:22-24
This whole picture is interesting. They are trying to get a sick man to Jesus but the religious leaders are in the way. They have to dig through the roof, and when he is finally in front of Jesus, the first thing He does is forgive His sins. Once again the religious leaders are the issue, questioning what Jesus is doing. Jesus then heals the man’s body to prove to them His authority to forgive sins. I wonder if He was trying to get them to understand the greater healing was internal – the forgiveness of sin. The healing of his body was simply a physical representation of what had already happened on the inside. The man wasn’t healed because his sins were forgiven, He was healed because they needed to see Jesus had the authority to do both.
Do you see Jesus as one who has authority over both our spiritual healing and our physical healing? If so, write down how you have seen this. If not, ask Him to help you trust Him with both your spiritual needs AND your physical needs.
Today in your prayer time write down the name(s) of someone who needs to experience the spiritual healing of forgiveness and pray for them. Then write down the name(s) of someone you know who needs physical healing, even if that is you. After you have written down these names spend some time in prayer praying specifically for the names your have written down.
Read Luke 5:27-32
After this he went out and saw a tax collector named Levi, sitting at the tax booth. And he said to him, “Follow me.” And leaving everything, he rose and followed him. – Luke 5:27-28
Twice in this chapter we see men leaving everything to follow Jesus. This Chapter outlines the calling of Jesus’ first few disciples. We see men from all walks of life, dropping everything and setting out with The Savior. There seems to be no reservations, only complete resolve to go with Jesus. All in!
Is Jesus calling you to follow Him in a new way? To be bolder in your faith at work? To be a spiritual leader in your home? To go into full-time ministry? To volunteer to be an usher, a children’s worker, a table group leader, a choir member? To be a mentor to someone younger in their faith than you? To …? You fill in the blank. Are you all in with Jesus? Write down your thoughts.
Today, pray a prayer of full surrender to The Lord, asking Him to help you be ALL IN with Him! This does not have to look like vocational ministry (sometimes it does) but it might look like being a witness for the cause of Christ where He has planted you in your workplace, school, or home! Being a disciple of Jesus is all about following. So, this prayer time is meant for you to tell Jesus – “I am your’s, Lord!” I will follow you wherever you want to take me! Are you willing?
Read Luke 5:33-39
This portion of scripture may be hard to understand but within the complexity of the statement there was a simple lesson. Jesus was telling them that He was bringing something new that could not be explained or contained within the old law. His was a new message of grace and forgiveness. He would make a way for all of us to have a personal relationship with God. We would no longer have to go through a priest or offer an animal sacrifice for our sins. He would usher in the New Covenant purchased with His own blood.
How have you seen Jesus bring “new” into your life?
Today, spend time in prayer thanking Jesus for the freedom you have in Him. Thank Him for the New Covenant His life purchased for you on the cross!